If you need support or advice in any field related to teamwork, leadership or corporate culture, we are happy to share our knowledge and experience with you.
Solutions for the future
How to establish effective teams and build a strong corporate culture? TBA can advise you on laying the foundations for the development of your team or management with the aim of optimizing work as much as possible and achieving long-term efficiency at various levels of the company.
Long-term development of teamwork may include analysis of team and leadership competencies, developmental interviews of individuals, moderated team meetings, hands-on workshops, active team programs, or corporate events.
Experts in team challenges
In 12 years and through more than 2000 implemented team programs and workshops for organizations of all sizes and from various industries, we have proven to be experts in teamwork, leadership and corporate culture. By flawlessly organizing active programs, events and/or trainings, we will help your team, department or the entire organization to achieve higher efficiency.
Long-term development
Successful teamwork is key to a successful business. Therefore, the development of teamwork in individual teams and management must be approached comprehensively, strategically and at the level of the entire company. Long-term development begins with an appropriate concept that follows the goals, vision and strategy of the company and long-term personnel orientations.
Corporate culture
The corporate culture and values of an organization are the ‘glue’ between individuals and teams in an organization. In our opinion, culture is the basis for everything that happens in an organization: from cooperation to business processes and customer relations. Developing culture is a long-term process that we can help you define and put into practice as part of our consulting services. Using trainings and corporate events, we introduce it step by step into your everyday work.
Potek svetovanja
Na programu podpišete tablico, ki bo označevala vaše drevo, potem pa prek naših kanalov spremljate napredek gozda.
Opravite vrhunski team building in izpolnite tablico
Za vsak team building program, ki ga izvedete z nami, bomo na degradiranem območju posadili drevo.
Drevo posadimo mi
Vaše drevo bomo posadili takoj, ko bo za to primeren čas. Opremili ga bomo s tablico, ki označuje ime vaše ekipe, datum in timski program, ki ste se ga udeležili.
Spremljate napredek gozda
Po končanem team buildingu bomo na kontaktni naslov vodje, ki ga boste navedli, nekajkrat na leto poslali sliko TBA gozda. Tako boste lahko spremljali napredek našega okoljskega projekta in se hkrati zavedali, da ste z ekipo del te zelene zgodbe.