
Custom event: The Lost Manifest

Individuals have different values. This is especially evident in fast-growing organizations, where employees come from different countries, different cultures, have different habits ...

Client: International Foundation; 80 employees

Event: Organization of a team event for the whole organization - 2 days


The fast-growing foundation, made up of several companies and individuals, is betting on its clear vision and common corporate culture. In addition to strongly communicating their values, the client also wanted members of the foundation to get to know each other, as almost half of them come from different countries. The event had to be held at the highest possible level - both in terms of content and organization.

The goal of the event

The aim of the event was to connect all members of the organization and build trust by communicating their vision and values, the key idea of which is a better and more beautiful world for all. The high level of the event had to communicate the importance that owners give to their vision and the team that implements it. At the same time, the event should present a piece of Slovenia to colleagues from abroad.


Solution description

We have compiled a new program for the client – The Lost Manifesto. The story of the program was set in the Middle Ages in Predjama Castle. We added a fictional story about the Lost Manifesto to the real historical legend of Erasmus of Predjama. Erasmus wanted to hand over the manifesto to the emperor just before his death. The manifesto, written in Latin, brought together all the estates of that time and summed up all the present-day values ​​of our client. In the background of the event, there was always the question - what would the world be like if the manifesto reached the emperor and people would already be living the values ​​of our client.

Part 1: We guided the participants through the hidden entrance to the underground cave in search of lost seals.

Part 2: The central part of the event took place in the hall, which we turned into a restoration workshop. Using restoration tools and techniques, participants pieced together parts of found parchment, which eventually assembled into a huge medieval manifesto.

Part 3: we took the participants to Predjama Castle, where they searched the dark castle for different objects and then shot pieces of a documentary about the Lost Manifesto. A medieval dinner followed.

Part 4: The official conclusion of the event was the sealing of the Lost Manifesto in the hall and the viewing of their documentary. This was followed by a speech by the CEO and an invitation to a medieval evening party with music and dancing, which lasted until the early hours of the morning.

The result

Participants were positively “shocked” by the location and the high standard of the entire event. The values ​​and vision were clearly communicated, and the CEO’s closing speech was a cherry on top, which directly linked the whole event and its content to the business world in which the foundation operates. The event was highly rated.

  Notes: One of the key elements of the event was that the participants did not know where they were going until the last minute. The event was simultaneously translated into a foreign language, and all materials were prepared in two languages.

We create solutions for your team

Dedicated to developing innovative teambuilding programs, which help companies and teams.

Reference | www.tba.si
Reference | www.tba.si

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