How to Build a Real Team Using Virtual Reality
New technology also brings new opportunities for team development and teamwork. TBA has been constantly monitoring the trends in the world and successfully introducing them to the Slovenian market. One such is virtual reality teambuilding.
Changes are the only constant and today most of them are created by the development of technology. This causes individuals' needs and desires to change more quickly than ever before, and companies need to adapt to this. Legislatures are the last to follow, but even here, the pace of change is much greater today than it used to be.
New technology also brings new opportunities for team development and teamwork. TBA has been constantly monitoring the trends in the world and successfully introducing them to the Slovenian market. One such is virtual reality teambuilding.
All digital teambuildings
Care must be taken when using VR as a tool for teambuilding purposes
Teamwork is only possible when we have a good personal relationship with the team members and we trust each other. Therefore, good teambuilding is not possible in the true sense of the word without personal contact. However, this does not prevent teambuilding events from incorporating modern technology. What matters is the awareness that virtual reality is only part of the program, a tool, and participants connect in the real world. In this way, we get an experience that is dynamic, interesting and useful for the growth and development of the team. Teambuilding using VR glasses is a novelty on the Slovenian market, and it brings a new, different experience that draws team members to the excitement of the opportunities offered by the virtual world. These teambuilding programs are designed to keep participants moving and transferring information between the real and virtual world.
The benefits of teambuilding using virtual reality
Something new, different
Different, new experiences broaden our horizons and increase our creativity. Edward de Bono, the creative thinking guru, has developed a range of techniques to expose ourselves to the unusual, the new, the different, and thus enhance our ability to be creative. We also use teambuildings to develop the creative potential of the team and face something new and different by using virtual reality.An intense personal experience
Using good quality equipment makes it relatively easy for our brains to be dazzled, an individual has a very powerful experience, and the teambuilding output is greater as more permanent traces are created in the brain. With increased brain activity, the motivation of individuals and the desire to progress are usually higher, so we can do better analysis and self-evaluation.Facing change
Teambuilding using virtual reality is a great fit to cope with change on a team level. The team can experience all the key stages that it experiences when a real change occurs in the company (changed process, newly defined roles) and learns how to manage change at the team level. Above all, we use the positive experience of change as an example that change can be good and very much depends on the team’s approach.Similarity to a real work environment
Today, a lot of work and communication is done in the virtual world, and for coordination between team members it is necessary to transfer information from the virtual to the real world. This is even more emphasized in virtual teams (members have less or no physical contact at all). Teambuilding that combines the real and the virtual world best reflects the real environment of the team.Fun
The positive impact of wellbeing and fun on team building, especially at the unconscious level, must not be underestimated. Often teams are surprised that they can do so well at a teambuilding event, but of course, to create such well-being it is important that the program is properly designed and managed, otherwise the opposite effect can be achieved. The present is digital, the future even more so. Using virtual reality is not just for fun, it is a great tool for networking. Many of the benefits it offers are the global trend that TBA brings to Slovenia with programs such as VR-La Casa de Dinero.All digital teambuildings
Tips on creating the right teams
New developments in activities, teamwork and training
We create solutions for your team
Dedicated to developing innovative teambuilding programs, which help companies and teams.