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TBA mesečnik

Vabimo vas, da spremljate naš mesečnik TBA Komunikator, v katerem pišemo o trendih in inovacijah v teambuildingu ter vas obveščamo o dogajanjih v TBA.


    Chain Reaction

    Awaken in the participants the team spirit, creativity and project management to create the perfect team chain reaction.

    Send inquiry
    • From 20 onwards
    • 3 - 4 hours
    • Indoor/outdoor

    Create your piece

    The activity is divided into two parts. First you will compete in different team challenges to acquire as many different materials as possible, which you will later use to build your domino effect. More materials, easier construction, do you agree?

    And connect as a whole

    Each group creates their own masterpiece, which will later be connected into a whole, to allow for a complete chain reaction.

    The beauty of this program is that every little piece counts and collaboration can be really fun.

    Key business benefits

    • Project management
    • Resource management
    • Time management
    • Inspires creativity & fun

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