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TBA mesečnik

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    Drone control

    Technology and teamwork in motion

    Send inquiry
    • 8 - 30
    • 1 - 2 hours
    • Indoor/outdoor

    Fly, done, fly

    Teams must carefully assemble an obstacle course using team members and props that their drone will fly over. They receive illustrated cards to help, but the interpretation and final choreography is completely in their hands. The only rule is that all members must participate in the choreography and each of them must operate the drone at least once.

    Fun and technology

    Drone control is a fun and creative way to develop teams with the help of technology. It requires participants to think innovatively, seek improvement, and constantly adapt, a perfect metaphor for agile teamwork.

    Key business benefits

    • Agility and collaboration
    • Process improvement
    • Strategic planning
    • Creativity and innovation
    • Trust

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