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TBA mesečnik

Vabimo vas, da spremljate naš mesečnik TBA Komunikator, v katerem pišemo o trendih in inovacijah v teambuildingu ter vas obveščamo o dogajanjih v TBA.


    Fabiani’s symbol

    Embark on an adventurous journey through the idyllic streets of Štanjel.

    Send inquiry
    • 9 - 24
    • 3 - 4 h
    • Outdoor

    Treasure hunt

    During your journey you will discover riddles and team challenges. Each successful solution will give you a hint that will bring you closer to the symbol. But only at the end, when each team will add their contribution, will the pieces fall into place and the power of the symbol will be revealed.
    Finally, you will have a tasting of karst goods, where you can enjoy the beautiful views and share fun moments from the program.

    Common goal

    The program emphasizes the importance of communication and the contribution of all members and all teams, as the Fabian’s symbol can only be assembled with the participation of all teams. Diverse tasks give each member the opportunity to shine.

    Key business benefits

    • Participation in solving challenges
    • Communication skills
    • Creativity and innovation
    • Pursuing a common goal
    • Strengthening team spirit

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