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    Strategic game: Heroes of Troy

    A fun strategy game that contains all key elements of teamwork. It is not only entertaining, but also connects team members in creative thinking and team work.

    Send inquiry
    • 10 - 100
    • 3 - 4 hours
    • Indoor

    Winning startegy

    Accompany Paris and Helen on their journey to Troy and help them forge a winning strategy.

    Which team will be able to detect unpredictable events and dangers along the way? Will Paris and Helen escape Achilles and hide behind the walls of Troy?

    Only with teamwork and good strategy will you be able to reach the goal and defeat other teams.

    Connect your team

    This strategic game can be a great upgrade to business events, as it is entertaining and visually appealing, and connects team members in creative thinking and teamwork. It can be implemented as an educational program with the evaluation of teamwork or as a completely fun program with the aim of connecting participants and relaxed networking.

    Key business benefits

    • Strategic planning
    • Team work and communication
    • Quality control
    • Communication between teams
    • Stress/Change management

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