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    Strengthening team bonds

    Good planning, effective communication, high motivation and cooperation are the characteristics of good teams. However, team members can only achieve them by developing their competencies and knowing the basic laws of teamwork.

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    • small groups
    • 8 hours
    • Indoor

    Developing team competences

    Strengthening team bonds is a workshop designed to develop key areas of teamwork. Its goal is to achieve effective (co)operation and good interpersonal relationships in the team.

    The participants not only get to know the theory of teamwork, communication and collaboration, but through different team exercises receive practical knowledge. During the workshop with the help of team exercises participants test the models in relation to their specific needs and look for potential improvements. Each exercise is followed by a (self)evaluation and comparison with the actual situation in the team’s work process.


    • Advantages of teamwork in a modern business environment
    • Characteristics of great teams
    • Building trust and communication between team members
    • Stages of team development and the role of leaders
    • Five dysfunctions of a team and how to overcome them


    • Understanding teamwork
    • Self-evaluation and raising awareness
    • Preparation of an action plan

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