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    Beat the Box

    An adventure full of imaginative challenges and "brainstorming" - hidden in a metal box. Your goal - to overcome time, tasks and yourself.

    Send inquiry
    • 10 - 180
    • 2 - 3 hours
    • Indoor

    Want to play a game?

    Participants receive a mysterious video message in which a strange voice challenges them to a game. Each team is faced with a metal box. Inside is a series of locked cases each containing a mystery to be revealed.

    To solve the puzzle you will need the skills of each team member.

    Mobile escape room

    This team program transforms every conference room or office into a modern “escape room”.

    Get ready for a fun adventure. What is hidden in the box and what message will the decrypted code reveal?

    Key business benefits

    • Collaborative problem solving
    • Meeting deadlines
    • Strategic planning
    • Thinking outside the box

    Harvey Norman

    We chose Beat the Box as an 'ice-breaker' at our annual conference. It was the right decision - an extremely active start to the day that required not only the logical thinking of all participants but also the collaboration between teams. An excellent concept, pleasant dynamic and a joy at the success that only teamwork can bring, where there is no room for individualism. I strongly recommend this program to awaken leaders' awareness of the importance of teamwork.

    Alenka Majcen

    HR Manager

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