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TBA mesečnik

Vabimo vas, da spremljate naš mesečnik TBA Komunikator, v katerem pišemo o trendih in inovacijah v teambuildingu ter vas obveščamo o dogajanjih v TBA.


    Conference speeches

    In 12 years and through more than 2000 implemented team programs and workshops, we have proven that we are experts in teamwork, leadership and corporate culture. We are happy to share our knowledge with you.

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    • Bigger groups
    • 2 - 8 hours
    • Conference room

    Flashlight leadership and a culture of responsibility

    It is important for the effectiveness of the organization that each individual, team and department takes responsibility for their work. However, in order for someone to take responsibility, they must understand the basics of the entire organization and its vision and where their work fits into the bigger picture.

    Intelligent teams

    Being highly intelligent as an individual means that you are capable of solving problems in different environments. Recent research shows that the same is true for teams. The more intelligent a team is, the more successful it is at solving a variety of challenges. This is especially important for management teams.

    Being a leader in 2025

    The modern business environment demands much more from the leader than it did a few years ago.

    Key tasks are moving from long-term strategic planning, time management and delegation to energy management, flexible thinking and teamwork.

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    Keep your team real. .