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TBA mesečnik

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    Program evaluation

    Each active team program can be upgraded with a moderated evaluation of teamwork.

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    • Small or large groups
    • 1 to 2 hours
    • Related to the program

    Upgrading your program

    An in-depth evaluation can be conducted after each active team program, with the aim of linking the experience with everyday work practice. Within the program, we can observe patterns that are also present in your work, but are not visible daily. This allows us to pinpoint areas that the team can improve. With this we can upgrade a fun team program and add educational value to it.

    Action plan

    If desired, the program and evaluation can be upgraded by setting up an action plan for the team. Based on specific areas you want to improve, you can make a plan with a coach or moderator, which includes a timeline and a list of people responsible for its implementation. It may also include a plan for further workshops and programs for the development of the team in the future.


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