
Manage remote teams

By developer

Due to the current situation, many of us are already working from home. And there will be more of us. And with this, new challenges arose. How to replace live meetings with co-workers, with your teams? How to replace morning coffee and chatting?

How to Build a Real Team Using Virtual Reality

By developer

New technology also brings new opportunities for team development and teamwork. TBA has been constantly monitoring the trends in the world and successfully introducing them to the Slovenian market. One such is virtual reality teambuilding.

Bring people closer

By developer

It is rare for all employees and management to meet. Therefore, it is an ideal opportunity to socialize and build trust.

Custom event: The Lost Manifest

By developer

Individuals have different values. This is especially evident in fast-growing organizations, where employees come from different countries, different cultures, have different habits …

Reference | www.tba.si
Reference | www.tba.si

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